SDV 089 - Transition to College Success (1 Credit)
This first-year experience course introduces Hagerstown Community College’s processes and expectations as well as academic and personal resources to optimize a successful academic pathway and experience for each student. Students will learn about technology resources, explore careers, and complete a personalized academic plan. While engaging with a variety of viewpoints, they will acquire knowledge and skills to aid intellectual development both inside and outside of the classroom. Activities and techniques will promote overall wellbeing, help students develop strong bonds with fellow students and the Hagerstown College Community as a whole, and empower students to succeed academically, personally, and socially.
This course is required for students who test into one or more of the following: RDG 095 , ENG 095P , ELL 090 , ELL 095 , MAT 090 , and/or MAT 095 . Total of 15 hours of lecture.
Semesters Offered: All Terms, All Years.
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