Mar 13, 2025
BIO 203 - Human Anatomy and Physiology IPrerequisite: RDG 095 or appropriate score on the placement test ; AND MAT 090 , MAT 095 , or appropriate scores on placement test ; AND BIO 113 or successful completion of the A&P placement exam with a 75% or better. (4 Credits) This is the first semester of an integrated course on the structure and function of human body systems and processes. It is required for allied health programs and appropriate for biology and related pre-professional fields. The course includes cell biology, biochemistry, histology and the endocrine, nervous, skeletal, muscular and integumentary systems. * Biological/Physical Science and Lab Approved General Education Course. Laboratory fee and varying digital textbook access fee included. Total of 45 hours of lecture and 45 hours of lab.
Semesters Offered: All Terms, All Years.
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