Mar 31, 2025
BIO 113 - Principles of Biology IPrerequisite: MAT 090 , MAT 095 , or appropriate score on the placement test ; AND RDG 095 or appropriate score on the placement test. (4 Credits) This course with laboratory is intended for students needing biology for allied health, biology, and other science major degrees or transfer programs. The course includes the structure and function of biomolecules, cell structure and function, cell energetics and metabolism, classical and human genetics, gene expression, and an introduction to biotechnology. Students pursuing Biology or other STEM related programs are highly encouraged to take CHM 101 or CHM 103 prior to or concurrent with the course. Biology majors must also take BIO 114 . *Biological/Physical Science and Lab Approved General Education Course. Laboratory fee and varying digital textbook access fee included. Total of 45 hours of lecture and 45 hours of lab.
Semesters Offered: All Terms, All Years.
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