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Hagerstown Community College / HCC

Academic Catalog

2022-2023 Catalog 
    Mar 06, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Paying for College



Washington County Residents Fall ‘22 - Spring ‘23
  Per credit hour $ 123.00
Out-of-County Residents  
  Per credit hour $ 192.00
Out-of-State Residents  
  Per credit hour $ 252.00
Neighbor-State Rate (residents of Franklin and Fulton Counties, PA; Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan Counties, WV; and Loudoun County, VA)  
  Per credit hour $ 236.00

(Students who audit courses are charged the same tuition as students taking courses for credit.)


General College Fee (per credit hour) $ 14.00
Credit-by-Evaluation Fee $25 per credit
Laboratory Fee (varies)
Library Use Fee (out-of-state residents, per year) $ 10.50
Library Use Fee (out-of-state alumni, per year) $ 5.25
Physical Education Fee (varies)
Registration Fee (per semester-non refundable) $ 30.00
Returned Check Fee (for checks returned by bank) $ 35.00
Stop Payment Fee $ 37.00
Senior Citizen Administrative Fee (for credit classes) $ 25.00
Special Examination Fee (varies)
Transcript Fee for e-transcript $ 5.25

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Tuition Waivers

Senior Citizens

Any resident of Maryland who is 60 years or older and who enrolls in any class is exempt from payment of tuition. This exemption will automatically be applied to student accounts at the beginning of each semester; no additional paperwork is required. All applicable fees and the Senior Citizen Administrative Fee will be charged.

Maryland Tuition Waiver for Students with Disabilities

Any Maryland student receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is eligible to apply for this waiver. You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and provide proof from the Social Security Administration (SSA) of receiving SSI or SSDI benefits. After this information is turned into the Retention and Registration office, students will be asked to complete a Certification for Tuition Waiver form.

Students are exempt from paying tuition for up to 12 credits per semester if they are taking classes as part of a degree or a certificate program designed to lead to employment. The waiver is limited to six credits if the student is enrolled in credit courses for any other reason. A course may have a minimum number of enrolled students for the waiver to apply. This waiver applies to any balance on tuition after all grants and scholarships received are applied to the student’s balance. Students are responsible for all other costs associated with the courses, such as books.

Foster Care Recipients
The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients may be available to students who were out-of-home placed students in Maryland at the time of high school graduation or completion of a GED. Students who resided in an out-of-care placement for at least one year on or after the individual’s 13th birthday may qualify. These students, who returned to live with their parents after the out-of- home placement, may also be exempt from paying tuition and fees. A student must complete the FAFSA or the MSFAA, be enrolled working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program, and must be listed on the Department of Human Resources (DHR) foster care list. If a student is not on the list, the student must contact a case worker to be put on the list and considered eligible. The Student Financial Aid Office may request that a student complete the Foster Care Tuition Waiver form on the HCC website - students should only complete the form if requested. The Foster Care tuition waiver applies to any balance on tuition and fees before any grants and scholarships received are applied to the student’s balance.

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Homeless Youth provides financial assistance to homeless youth who are enrolled working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program. Students must have had a consistent presence in the state for at least one year before enrollment that can documented by school, employment, or other records and have been verified as a homeless child or youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, at any time during the 24 months immediately preceding the student’s enrollment or while the student is enrolled in an eligible program.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act defines homeless children as “individuals who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”

Students must complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA) each year and must be enrolled on or before he/she reaches the age of 25 as a full time or part time student in an eligible program. If approved, students continue to remain exempt from paying tuition and fees until ten years after first enrolling as a candidate for an associate’s, bachelors, or a vocational certificate at a Maryland public institution of higher education OR the date that the homeless youth is awarded a bachelor’s degree, whichever occurs first.

The Student Financial Aid Office may request that a student complete the Homeless Youth Waiver form on the HCC website - students should only complete the form if requested. The Homeless Youth tuition waiver applies to any balance on tuition and fees before any grants and scholarships received are applied to the student’s balance.

Renewing a Waiver
A student must continue to meet the requirements for the waiver for each semester enrolled and file the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the MSFAA. For State aid consideration, students must complete and submit the FAFSA or MSFAA by March 1 each year.

Payments of Tuition and Fees

Students must pay tuition and all applicable fees by the payment due date or within one week of enrolling in classes. Please refer to the College class schedule for dates.

Students may pay using the following methods:


Only if paying in person at the finance office in the administration and student affairs building.

Personal Check

  1. Make check payable to Hagerstown Community College.
  2. Put your student ID number on the check.
  3. Post-dated checks will not be accepted.

Online Payments

Students who are eligible to register using Self-Service may pay their balances online, in full, and free of charge. If you are unsure of your user ID or password, please email or call 240-500-2891 for assistance.

Returned Checks

Fees and Charges

The College accepts payment by personal check and reserves the right to withdraw that privilege at any time to anyone.

Returned checks, regardless of the reason, are subject to a $35.00 service charge. When a check is returned unpaid, a hold is immediately placed on HCC services. Holds prohibit registration and the issuing of transcripts and diplomas until the returned check and service charges are paid. Your bank may notify you too, that it has returned your check and may charge you bank penalties. Returned checks remaining uncollected after a reasonable period of time will be forwarded to a collection agency with the student bearing additional collection costs.

Stopped Payments

If you decide not to attend HCC do not stop payment on your check. Stopping payment guarantees that your check will be returned, and does not cancel your financial obligation to HCC. Stopped payments are treated as any other returned check, with identical consequences.

To cancel your obligation to pay tuition and fees at HCC you need to officially withdraw, by the deadline posted on the website. Students can withdraw from classes by logging into Self-Service and deleting their registration. This is the only way for students to officially remove themselves from classes in which they enrolled prior. Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees for classes in which they withdraw after the Refund Deadline. After the Refund Deadline, the College is not able to offer classes to other students, including those on waitlists. Students withdrawing prior to the refund deadline remain responsible for the Registration Fee. View Registration Dates & Refund Deadlines page.

Credit Cards

The College accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.

Money Order

  1. Make money orders payable to Hagerstown Community College.
  2. Put your student ID number on the money order.

Payment Plan Option: Nelnet Tuition Payment Plan

  1. This is an interest-free plan. To sign up, log in to Self-Service and follow the link Nelnet Payment Plan. Questions should be directed to the Finance Office at 240-500-2220 or in person in the Administration and Student Affairs Building.
  2. Based on your application date, the total of your tuition and fees will be divided into payments.  The payments will be automatically deducted monthly from your checking, savings, or major credit card account.
  3. There is a $30 processing fee charged per semester.
  4. Nelnet plans do not rollover from semester to semester. You must sign up each semester.
  5. The College reserves the right to disallow the use of a payment plan by students with past payment issues. The use of a payment plan is a privilege, not a right.

Rate Agreements

Out-of-state students who work in Washington County may be eligible for in-county rates if their employer has a signed tuition rate agreement with HCC. Students are advised to check with their human resources director. If a student lives outside of Washington County, but is employed by a Washington County business, the student’s employer should complete the Rate Agreement form. Employers not listed on the rate agreement form will have to contact the Admissions Office to complete a tuition rate agreement contract with HCC.

Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed within 7-10 business days (if your employer needs to sign a contact with HCC, your form will be on hold until the contact is received). If approved, you would qualify for in-county tuition. All rate agreements must be submitted by the following dates as you must submit a new agreement for each semester:

  • Fall - September 15
  • Spring - January 15
  • Summer - June 15

Note: If the rate agreement form is not submitted by the semester date above, your current tuition rate would stay the same for the entire semester. For example, if the rate agreement for fall is submitted after September 15, you would not be potentially eligible for a rate agreement until the spring semester.

Employer-Paid Tuition

  1. It is your responsibility to present the purchase order, tuition assistance voucher, or letter of intent at the time you register for classes.
  2. In the event the employer or tuition assistance agency refuses to pay after receipt of the bill, the student becomes responsible for all charges on his or her account.

Collection Policy

Students with an outstanding balance at the end of the term will have their transcripts withheld. They will not be permitted to re-register until payment is made in full.

The College’s policies regarding payments and collections apply to payments made directly to the College, as well as payments at the College campus store and other auxiliary services.

Delinquent accounts will be assigned to a collection agency and/or the State of Maryland Central Collection Unit, for collection with a 17 percent service fee added to the amount owed. The State of Maryland Central Collection Unit has the authority to intercept Maryland Income Tax Refunds or to take legal action through the State’s Attorney General’s Office. It is the students’ responsibility to keep their contact information current with the college to ensure payment due notices are sent to updated addresses.

Refunds and Withdrawals**

The effective date for calculation of all refunds shall be the date of official withdrawal or change in schedule as recorded in the Records Office. Failure to attend classes does not constitute an official withdrawal.

Upon withdrawal prior to the first day of scheduled classes, the College will retain the registration fee and refund any remainder.

For 15-week classes, the College will retain the registration fee and refund 100 percent of the balance until the end of the first week of classes, if a student completes the official procedure to withdraw via Self-Service. There will be no refunds after the first week of classes. Refund deadlines for classes with a duration of less than 15 weeks are noted on the website, but are within a few days of the start of the first class.

Note: Students receiving any of the following: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work Study, Direct Loans, and/or Maryland Education Assistance Grant Programs, please see the refund policy here. 

During the period allowed for schedule changes, a student’s account will be adjusted for any change in course load.

If a student’s course schedule is reduced by action of the College, the tuition and fees for that course will be adjusted.

Fees and tuition are not refunded if a student is dismissed from the College. Any student who drops a course or withdraws from the College unofficially, or after the advertised refund deadline, will not be eligible for a refund and any unpaid balance will be due immediately.

The College reserves the right to cancel a class or change meeting times of classes without prior notice. Any fees directly applicable to a cancelled class will be refunded.

Students may receive refunds after the deadline if they have serious reasons for not being able to continue in the classes. For example, illness, injury, bereavement, military duty, or a personal tragedy due to extenuating circumstances may be acceptable bases for appeal, with supporting documentation. However, ignorance of the deadline, inability to pay, or deciding not to complete the class are not valid arguments to support an appeal.

Registration appeal forms are available online at Forms should be returned to the Registrar, located in the Administration and Student Affairs (ASA) Building. Appeals are reviewed on a monthly basis and should be submitted by the 15th day of the month for review by the end of the month. Refunds are generally not awarded if the student’s balance has been sent to a collection agency.  These cases will be reviewed by the Dean of Students.

Note: Eligibility for a refund is determined by the date the signed notification (by the student) of the intent to withdraw is received in the Student Financial Aid Office. The number of times a course has met is not used in determining eligibility for a refund. Questions regarding refunds should be directed to the Finance Office, 240-500-2220, or emailed to

** Refund policy is subject to change.

Residency Policy and Tuition Requirements

The following residency policy is for the students who are United States citizens or have permanent residency in the U.S.

  1. Students at Hagerstown Community College pay tuition according to their permanent residence (identified by the address on the admissions application) and are classified as one of the following:
    1. Washington County residents
    2. Maryland residents outside of Washington County
    3. Out-of-state residents in PA, WV, and VA counties that border Washington County
    4. Out-of-state residents
  2. A student 18 years of age or older and financially independent is considered a resident of Washington County and the state if a legal domicile has been established.
  3. Students shall be considered residents of a county or state if they maintain their legal domicile there and have done so for a period of not less than three months before the date of their enrollment at the community college. Legal domicile shall be defined as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possession are maintained and where he/she intends to remain indefinitely.
    The permanent place of abode of any person or persons contributing more than one-half of the student’s financial support during the most recent completed year (COMAR: Title 13B.07.01.02 9 (a) (b)).
  4. At the time of admission to HCC, students sign a statement declaring their residency. At each subsequent enrollment students must indicate if their residence is the same as or different from that declared at admission. Students may need to provide proof of residency.

Procedures for Reclassification of Residency

  1. Students may request a change in residency classification by completing a “Change in Residency” form available in the Office of Admissions and Enrollment Management.
  2. Determination of student residency must be made before the first day of classes of any given semester. Students who change their residency after the semester begins will not have their tuition adjusted. Students may be entitled to an adjustment the following semester.
  3. Documentation must show the permanent address (no post office box) with effective date three months prior to the first day of the semester. Two documentations of residency and the “Change in Residency” form must be presented. Documentation includes the following:
    1. Deed, settlement papers, or a one-year lease agreement
    2. Maryland driver’s license
    3. Maryland motor vehicle registration
    4. Federal or Maryland tax returns
    5. Maryland voter registration card
    6. Utility bills
    7. Military orders with an assignment to a base in Maryland and presentation of military ID.
  4. Students have the right to appeal a residency decision by putting their request in writing to the Dean of Students.

Maryland DREAM Act

As an open-admission institution, Hagerstown Community College grants admission to all students regardless of citizenship.  Maryland Senate Bill 167 enacted in the 2011 Session of the Maryland General Assembly, also known as the Maryland Dream Act, allows some non-U.S. citizens to be exempt from paying the out-of-state tuition rate.

In order for a student to qualify for an exemption from paying out-of-state tuition, the student must have:

  1. Attended a public or nonpublic high school in Maryland for at least 3 academic years not earlier than the 2005-2006 school year;
  2. Graduated from a public or nonpublic high school in Maryland or received the equivalent of a high school diploma from the State not earlier than the 2007-2008 school year;
  3. Registered within four years after graduating from a public or nonpublic secondary school in the State or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in the State;
  4. Provided documentation that the student, or the student’s parent or legal guardian has filed a Maryland income tax return;
        a. annually for the 3 years that coincide with the individual’s attendance at a public or nonpublic secondary school in the State (home-schooled students are subject to this requirement in the same manner);
        b. annually each year between secondary school attendance and enrolling at the college, and
        c. annually while attending a community college;
  5. Provides an affidavit stating that the individual will file an application to become a permanent resident within 30 days after the individual becomes eligible to do so;
  6. Provides proof that the individual has registered with the Selective Service System. (This currently applies to all males 18-25. Proof of Selective Service registration can be obtained by filing with the Post Office and returning a receipt to the college that shows proof of registration or by providing a Selective Service card.).

Each community college will verify statutory compliance for each eligible student.  Students seeking this exemption must be prepared to provide copies of Maryland Tax Returns and other documents. A student who meets the requirements described above may be eligible to pay the in-county tuition rate at the community college that serves the high school from which he/she graduated or most recently attended (if he/she received a GED). 

Applying for the exemption does not alter your responsibility to pay by the college deadline any nonresident tuition and associated fees that may be due before your eligibility is determined. For institution-specific instructions regarding documentation and deadline dates, contact the Office of Admissions and Enrollment Management at 240-500-2572.

*The completed paperwork (form and all supporting documentation) is due before the semester begins. If you complete the paperwork after the semester has begun, the exemption will be considered for the following semester. 

Learn more at

Tuition Requirements

  1. Out-of-county or out-of-state students pay tuition in accordance with Education Article, &16-310(a&b), Annotated Code of Maryland.
  2. Students who may be eligible for in-county or out-of-county tuition rates or considered as Maryland residents are listed below.
    1. Maryland residents enrolled in a program designated as a Health Manpower Shortage, statewide or regional by the Maryland Higher Education Commission may be considered as in-county residents for tuition purposes. Students must demonstrate eligibility each semester. Sixty-six percent of the registered courses must be a part of the program of study.
    2. Military personnel and their dependents who have a legal domicile in Maryland at the time of entrance into the armed forces and who are stationed outside the State are considered Maryland residents.
    3. Military personnel stationed in Maryland on active duty and did not have a legal domicile in Maryland at the time of entrance into the armed forces and their dependents are considered Maryland residents.
    4. Students from outside the state who enroll as part of a reciprocity agreement negotiated between Maryland and another state.
  3. Nursing students who reside outside Maryland may be eligible for a tuition reduction from the Maryland Higher Education Commission if the following conditions are met.  Please contact the Student Financial Aid Office for further information.
    1. You must be a resident of a state other than Maryland. You must enroll at a two-year or four-year Maryland public college or university as a full-time (12+ credits per semester) or part-time (6-11 credits per semester), degree-seeking undergraduate student. Audited courses cannot be used to reach the minimum credit hours required for full-time or part-time status.  You must be accepted into a nursing program.
    2. Apply online using the MD CAPS system at  Print out all required documents after filing.  Once completed, submit documents to the MHEC Office of Student Financial Assistance.
    3. You must sign and return a promissory note agreeing to serve as a full-time nurse in a hospital or related institution.  Service is for four years if you attended a four-year public institution or for two years if you attended a two-year public institution, regardless of the number of years for which you received an award, or you must repay the scholarship with interest.  If you hold this scholarship with any other award requiring a service obligation, you must perform your service in consecutive years.  Recipients of this Program have six months from the date of graduation to begin the service.

Student Financial Aid

HCC’s Student Financial Aid Office (SFAO) administers and coordinates federal, state, foundation, and other external financial aid. There are many forms of financial aid available at HCC such as: grants, scholarships, loans, and work study. You may be eligible for one or more of these types of aid. The SFAO staff will work with you to determine for what types of aid you may qualify and to help you apply. 

IMPORTANT: Students must apply each year to be considered for financial aid.

Financial aid information may also be obtained on the website at Students can also get video answers to financial aid questions using Financial Aid TV. Email inquiries may be addressed to

Student Responsibilities

  • All written communications from the Student Financial Aid Office will be by letter and/or email. It is the student’s responsibility to use the HCC student email address and to check his/her email frequently. 
  • To maintain eligibility for financial aid, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students should refer to the section: Academic Progress of Students Receiving Student Financial Aid.
  • Students must have financial aid finalized by the required deadline dates. For the Federal Pell Grant, the financial aid process must be finalized with the Student Financial Aid Office no later than the student’s last day of enrollment of the semester.
  • Once students are enrolled for classes and have been awarded financial aid, their financial aid will be credited to their accounts, paying tuition, fees, and other college expenses first.
  • Students are responsible for payment of tuition and fees if aid has not been awarded and other charges are not covered by financial aid. All students can review their financial aid awards on Self-Service to determine the amount of financial aid that can be applied to semester charges.
  • Students must officially withdraw from classes at the Retention and Registration Office or via Self-Service if they are no longer planning to attend. Failure to officially withdraw from classes could result in all tuition and fee charges being billed to the student.
  • Students receiving financial aid are expected to attend and complete their classes. Those who receive aid for classes which they never attend will have the aid revoked for classes, and may have to pay back any aid received. Students who withdraw or stop attending all classes may owe a refund for aid received and also may have to repay aid, that they are no longer eligible to receive, to the U.S. Department of Education.

Financial Aid Program Requirements

To receive aid from federal and state financial aid programs, a student must have a high school diploma, a General Education Development (GED) certificate, or have completed an Associate’s degree from an accredited college. Eligible students must also:

  • Be working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Have a valid Social Security Number
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress once in school
  • Certify that federal student aid will only be used for educational purposes
  • Not have a federal student loan in default or owe money on a federal student grant

Students who have been convicted for possessing or selling illegal drugs may not be eligible for Title IV aid. Students who have questions regarding their eligibility should call 1-800-4FEDAID.

Applying for Federal and Maryland State Financial Aid

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the financial aid application that a student needs to complete in order to apply for federal and state grants, work-study, and loans. There is no charge for completing or submitting the FAFSA. Students can apply online at

Many of the Maryland scholarships and grants have additional application requirements in addition to the FAFSA. These additional applications can be reviewed at

Students must reapply for financial aid every year, starting on October 1, for the following academic year.

Students who are Maryland residents should complete the FAFSA before March 1, to be considered for Maryland State financial aid from the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), Office of Student Financial Assistance.

The following documentation should be readily available when completing the FAFSA:

  • Student’s (and parents’ if applicable) Social Security Card
  • Student’s driver’s license or state ID card
  • Student’s (and spouse’s or parents’ if applicable) federal income tax return and W-2 earnings statement
  • Student’s (and spouse’s or parents’ if applicable) current bank statement and records of stocks, bonds and other investments
  • Student’s (and spouse’s or parents’ if applicable) records of other untaxed income
  • Student’s alien registration card if not a U.S. citizen.

Once the FAFSA has been completed, a Student Aid Report (SAR) will be sent to the student. The SAR contains the information reported on the FAFSA and the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The U.S. Department of Education uses a federally mandated formula or federal methodology to calculate a family’s EFC. The EFC determines eligibility for federal financial aid. The SAR must be complete and correct before a student can receive federal student aid.

The Student Financial Aid Office at HCC will electronically receive the SAR and send an email requesting additional information, if needed. If requested, students must promptly provide all documentation, such as official income tax transcripts. Students can view their checklist of missing documents online via Self-Service.

Students will receive an award notification email once all supporting documentation has been received, reviewed, and financial aid has been processed. All details regarding a student’s financial aid can be viewed on Self-Service.

To apply for Federal Work Study (FWS) a student should complete the following steps:

  • Complete the FAFSA at
  • Review the student jobs listed on the human resources page of the college’s website
  • Apply for and accept an on-campus student worker position

To receive direct loan funds, a student must:

How HCC Awards Federal and MD State Financial Aid

Student applications are reviewed for completeness and accuracy. The student is notified by email and on Self-Service if documentation is missing or if there are discrepancies that need to be reviewed. It is the student’s responsibility to submit copies of the documentation needed to complete their file. Students whom the Department of Education selects for verification must complete the verification process. Once the file is complete and correct, financial aid may be awarded.

The selection of students for federal grants and federal work study is based on the criteria established by the program and the funds available to award. A majority of financial aid awards are based on financial need. Financial need is determined by the cost of attendance (COA) minus the amount reasonably expected to be contributed by parents, spouse and/or the student (EFC). This contribution is determined by an analysis of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Financial aid will only cover courses that count as required courses in a student’s degree program needed to graduate. This means each of the courses registered for must be listed as a needed course in the program evaluation/degree audit. If students have questions about whether courses count in the program evaluation or can be used to determine eligibility for aid, the students should see a Retention Specialist in the Student Center.

Federal Financial Aid Programs (Title IV)

Federal Pell Grant: This grant does not have to be repaid if the student attends classes and completes the semester. Pell Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students who have financial need. For many students, the grant provides a foundation of financial aid to which other aid is added. The amount of the grant depends on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and the number of credits for which the student enrolls.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): This grant is for undergraduates with exceptional financial need, and who receive Federal Pell Grant Funds. FSEOG does not have to be paid back if the student attends classes and completes the semester. There is no guarantee that every eligible student will be able to receive FSEOG; awards are based on the availability of funds. Students who want to receive FSEOG must have a complete file with the Student Financial Aid Office as early in the year as possible.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant: This grant is for students who are not eligible for a Pell Grant but whose parent was a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and died because of service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001.

Additional Student Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be under 24 years old
  • Enrolled in college at least part-time at the time of the parent or guardian’s death.

The grant award is equal to the amount of a maximum Pell Grant for the award year - not to exceed the cost of attendance for that award year. The amount of the award is reduced by a certain percentage required by the sequester law each year. 

Federal Work-Study Program (FWS): This program provides part-time jobs for students who have financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay for educational expenses. Students must be enrolled in order to receive an FWS award. Students may work during the semester as an FWS employee in various departments and divisions of the college. The number of hours a student can work is based on the degree of financial need.

Federal Direct Loans: These are government loans for eligible students to help cover the cost of higher education. Eligible students borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education.

There are two types of Federal Direct Loans:

  • Subsidized - based on financial need and the federal government pays interest during the student’s enrollment in school
  • Unsubsidized - not based on financial need and the student is responsible for interest payments

Unsubsidized Direct Loans require that the student pay the interest that accrues while attending school. If a student chooses to defer the interest until after graduation, the interest will be capitalized, resulting in a larger principal balance and more interest paid.

Students may qualify for either of the above types of Direct Loans or a combination of the two.

In addition to filing the FAFSA, the student must complete entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) online at Students may complete the entrance counseling and the MPN prior to receiving a loan award.

If a student has a complete financial aid file, a student loan and any other eligible aid will be awarded.

  • Freshmen students will be awarded $5,500 (depending on need, $2,000 or more will be unsubsidized).
  • Sophomore students, who have completed at least 30 credit hours, will be awarded $6,500 ($2,000 or more will be unsubsidized).

Prior to receiving loan funds, the student must go online via Self-Service to accept/decline the award(s). Students must be enrolled in six (6) or more credits (half-time) per semester in order to be eligible for loan funds.

An independent student or a dependent student whose parent has been denied a parent loan and requires additional UNSUBSIDIZED LOAN FUNDS to pay for college expenses can request an additional $4,000 unsubsidized loan using the additional unsubsidized loan request form, which can be found online at

The maximum loan amounts that may be borrowed by independent students or a dependent student whose parent has been denied a parent PLUS loan are:

  • Freshman students will be awarded $9,500 (depending on need, $6,000 or more will be unsubsidized loans).
  • Sophomore students, who have completed at least 30 credit hours, will be awarded $10,500 (depending on need, $6,000 or more will be unsubsidized loans).

All loans are processed, initially, for the fall and spring semesters, unless the student will be graduating from HCC in December.

All loans are disbursed in two disbursements. Half of the certified loan amount is disbursed during the fall semester and the second half is disbursed during the spring semester. If you are scheduled for fall only or spring only, there will be two disbursements per semester.

Students should carefully consider how much to borrow. They should consider the burden that repaying loans will impose on them and their families after leaving school.

Aggregate Loan Limits: Maximum limit while working on all undergraduate degrees:

  • Dependent students are limited to $31,000 (no more than $23,000 of which can be subsidized)
  • Independent students are limited to $57,500 (no more than $23,000 can be subsidized)

Parent Loans for Undergraduate Dependent Students (PLUS): This loan is for parents of dependent undergraduate students. Parent borrowers generally must begin repaying principal and interest within 60 days after the loan is completely disbursed. They may apply for deferment of payment with their lender(s).

Students and parents wishing to apply for education loans must meet all requirements for federal financial aid, complete the FAFSA, and complete a PLUS borrower information sheet, available online at

Maryland Grants and Scholarships Programs

The Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA), a division of the Maryland Higher Education Commission, awards Maryland financial aid funds. To be eligible for this assistance, you and your parents (if a dependent student) must reside in Maryland for twelve months or more. Students must meet satisfactory academic progress requirements in order to receive or renew state financial aid. Maryland residents must complete the FAFSA by March 1, to be considered for Maryland Grants and Scholarships. Additional application information is available at

Maryland Need-Based Aid Programs

Howard P. Rawlings Guaranteed Access Grant: This grant provides post-secondary financial assistance to eligible in-state students currently enrolled as high school seniors who will complete a college preparatory program or students who have obtained a General Educational Development diploma (GED) and are under the age of 26. Applicants must complete the FAFSA, no later than March 1 each year, and complete the Howard P. Rawlings Guaranteed Access Grant additional documentation requirements.  A student must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA, Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by HCC, and be enrolled full-time (12+ credits) in classes that count towards program completion.

Howard P. Rawlings Educational Assistance Grant: This grant provides post-secondary financial assistance to in-state students who are current high school seniors and will be full-time, degree-seeking undergraduates. A FAFSA is required to determine eligibility for the award. If a student is unable to complete the FAFSA, a MSFAA must be completed by the student. The application is open from October 1 through March 1 each year. A student must demonstrate financial need to be potentially eligible for the award; students with the lowest EFC are awarded first. All students eligible for the EA Grant must accept their award online through their MDCAPS account. To renew an award, students must be Maryland residents, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and submit the FAFSA no later than March 1 each year.

Senatorial Scholarship: This scholarship is for current high school seniors and full-time and part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students. Students attending a private career school may also apply. Students must complete and file the FAFSA or MSFAA by March 1 and contact their State senator in February for further instructions. Students can go to or call the Board of Supervisors of Elections for their county to obtain contact information for their State senator. For Washington County, call 240-313-2050 or go to the Washington County Board of Elections website.

Delegate Scholarships: The scholarship is offered by the local State Delegates to Maryland residents who plan to pursue a post-secondary credential full-time (12+ credits per semester) or part-time (6-11 credits per semester) at a two-year or four-year Maryland college, university or private career school. Current or prospective students should contact their local delegates for instructions on how to apply. For a list and contact information of the student’s local delegates, please visit or the Maryland State Board of Elections website. For Washington County, call 240-313-2050 or go to the Washington County Board of Elections website.

Maryland Part-Time Grant: This grant is for students who are registered for at least half-time (6 credits) but less than full-time (12 credits) that count towards complete program completion. Students must file the FAFSA or MSFAA by March 1 and must be a Maryland resident as well as their parents (if a dependent student based on FAFSA information). The amount of the part-time grant is set and cannot be increased.  HCC receives a certain of amount of funding at the beginning of each academic year. This is a first come, first served grant given by the Student Financial Aid Office. Students who were awarded an Educational Assistance Grant (described above) by MHEC but are not registered full-time may be awarded a Part-Time Grant depending on availability.

The Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship: This scholarship is for students who are eligible for in-state tuition to attend one of Maryland’s public community colleges. The scholarship is considered a last dollar award - amount is determined after all other aid is applied to a student’s balance. Based on the applicable FAFSA or MSFAA, income requirements include an adjusted gross income up to $100,000 if the applicant is single or resides in a single-parent household or $150,000 if the applicant is married or resides in a two-parent household. The scholarship requires full-time enrollment (12 credits or more), and is contingent upon available State funding. For all criteria and requirements, please check with the Maryland Higher Education Commission or the HCC Student Financial Aid Office.

Maryland Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant: This funding is for students who plan on working in specific career/occupational programs upon graduation. Eligible majors and employment fields are determined bi-annually and may include: child care, human services, teaching, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, social work, and public service. It is for both full-time and part-time students and both merit- and need-based criteria is used when selecting recipients. Students must complete a Maryland Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant application

MHEC scholarship applications are available online at

Maryland Tuition Waiver Programs

Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients: The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Foster Care Recipients may be available to students who were out-of-home placed students in Maryland at the time of high school graduation or completion of a GED.  Students who resided in an out-of-care placement for at least one year on or after the individual’s 13th birthday may qualify.  These students who returned to live with their parents after the out-of- home placement may also be exempt from paying tuition and fees. A student must complete the FAFSA or the MSFAA, be enrolled working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program, and must be listed on the Department of Human Resources (DHR) foster care list.  If a student is not on the list, the student must contact a case worker to be put on the list and considered eligible.  The Student Financial Aid Office may request that a student complete the Foster Care Tuition Waiver form on the HCC website - students should only complete the form if requested. The Foster Care tuition waiver applies to any balance on tuition and fees before any grants and scholarships received are applied to the student’s balance.

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth: The Maryland Tuition Waiver for Homeless Youth provides financial assistance to homeless youth who are enrolled working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program. Students must have had a consistent presence in the state for at least one year before enrollment that can documented by school, employment, or other records and have been verified as a homeless child or youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, at any time during the 24 months immediately preceding the student’s enrollment or while the student is enrolled in an eligible program.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act defines homeless children as “individuals who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”

Students must complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA) each year and must be enrolled on or before he/she reaches the age of 25 as a full time or part time student in an eligible program. If approved, students continue to remain exempt from paying tuition and fees until ten years after first enrolling as a candidate for an associate’s, bachelors, or a vocational certificate at a Maryland public institution of higher education OR the date that the homeless youth is awarded a bachelor’s degree, whichever occurs first.

The Student Financial Aid Office may request that a student complete the Homeless Youth Waiver form on the HCC website - students should only complete the form if requested. The Homeless Youth tuition waiver applies to any balance on tuition and fees before any grants and scholarships received are applied to the student’s balance.

Tuition Waiver for Students with Disabilities: Any Maryland student receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is eligible to apply for this waiver. You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and provide proof from the Social Security Administration (SSA) of receiving SSI or SSDI benefits. After this information is turned into the Retention and Registration office, students will be asked to complete a Certification for Tuition Waiver form. The Student with Disabilities tuition waiver applies to any balance on tuition after all grants and scholarships received are applied to the student’s balance.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Regulations imposed by the U.S. Department of Education require Hagerstown Community College to establish satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for all financial aid recipients. All federal financial aid recipients must be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program. Students must be making measurable academic progress toward completion of their degree or certificate program in order to be eligible to receive financial assistance from any of the following programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Federal Work-Study, Federal Stafford Loan, and the State Grant.

SAP standards measure a student’s performance in three areas:

  1. GPA (Qualitative) Standards
  2. Completion Rate (Pace Standards)
  3. Maximum Time Frame

If a financial aid recipient fails to meet the policy standards, he or she will lose eligibility for student financial aid. Students’ SAP is calculated at the end of each semester once grades are received. All of the above-named programs of financial aid will be removed from students’ accounts if it is determined the student is not maintaining SAP.

For the most up-to-date academic progress standards, review the Student Financial Aid Eligibility page of the HCC website at

Refund and Return of Title IV Aid

When a student withdraws during the semester, the amount of federal student aid that was earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If a student received (or HCC or parent received on behalf of a student) more assistance than was earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or the student. If a student received less assistance than the amount that was earned, he/she may be eligible to receive those additional funds.

The amount of assistance that a student has earned is determined on a prorated basis. For example: if a student completed 30% of the semester, 30% of the assistance originally scheduled to be received is earned. A student must complete more than 60% of the semester to earn all scheduled financial aid.

There are some federal student aid funds that cannot be earned once a student withdraws because of other eligibility requirements. For example, a first-time, first-year undergraduate student who has not completed the first 30 days of his/her program before withdrawing, will not earn any Direct Loans or Direct PLUS Loan funds that would have been received had the student remained enrolled past the 30th day. 

If a student received (or his/her parents received funds, funds were paid on behalf of the student for tuition and fees, or the student purchased books at the HCC campus store) excess federal student aid funds that must be returned, HCC must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:

  1. institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of your funds, or
  2. the entire amount of excess funds.

The school must return this amount even if it did not keep the amount of the student’s federal student aid funds. If HCC is not required to return all of the excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount.

Any loan funds that are designated by the formula for the student and/or parent to return, can be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, the student and/or parent must make scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that must be repaid is half of the grant funds received. The student must arrange with HCC to return the unearned grant funds.

If a student did not receive all of the funds that were earned, there may be a post-withdrawal disbursement due. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, a student may choose to decline the loan funds so that no additional debt is incurred. HCC may automatically use all or a portion of the post-withdrawal disbursement (including loan funds, if accepted) for tuition and fees.

For all other school charges, the school needs permission to use the post-withdrawal disbursement. If a student does not give  permission, the student will be offered the funds; however, it may be in best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce  debt at the school.

The requirements for federal student aid funds when a student withdraws are separate from any refund policy that HCC may have. Therefore, a student may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges. HCC may also charge for any federal student aid funds that the school was required to return.

For the most up-to-date Refund and Return of Title IV aid policy, review the Student Financial Aid Eligibility page of the HCC website at

Student Financial Aid Office Statement of Conduct

HCC’s Student Financial Aid Statement of Conduct is adopted from the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrator’s Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for Institutional Financial Aid Professionals.

Students and parents of students attending HCC should have the utmost confidence in the ethics of the College and their student lending practices. HCC’s Student Financial Aid Office employees are expected to always maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out their responsibilities, specifically including dealing with any entities involved in any manner of Student Financial Aid.

The entire Statement of Conduct and additional consumer information are available online at


A number of scholarships are available to students who demonstrate academic promise and/or financial need. Scholarships are offered by community organizations, State of Maryland, and through Hagerstown Community College. Each scholarship has different criteria and requirements.

Community Scholarships: Local, regional, and national organizations offer scholarship opportunities. Students who receive scholarship awards from outside organizations should notify the HCC Student Financial Aid Office. Please include the student’s name and HCC ID number with the scholarship check or award letter. The HCC Student Financial Aid Office will apply the award to a student’s account in compliance with federal and state financial aid regulations. Additional information on community scholarships is available on the HCC scholarship page.

HCC Foundation Scholarships: The HCC Foundation Scholarship Committee awards a number of scholarships with different criteria and dollar amounts for the fall and spring semesters, to students enrolled in at least six credits and who have at least a 2.0 GPA. Students must complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA for scholarship consideration.

HCC’s school code for the FAFSA is 002074. Applicants must register for classes by the application deadline date each semester. First semester students should submit a copy of their high school transcript or college transcripts to the Admissions Office. Scholarships are based on financial need and academic promise. Most scholarships are for a one-year period. Students should apply each semester and incomplete applications will not be considered for a potential award. The application opens two times per year. In addition, students must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible for a scholarship.

Students must be actively enrolled on the college’s census date each semester to remain eligible for a scholarship. For scholarships which require full-time enrollment, students must be actively enrolled in at least 12 credits on the college’s census date each semester to remain eligible for the scholarship. Exceptions will be made if your program of study specifically involves registering for less than 12 credits during the semester. Scholarship recipients must complete any requested paperwork by the end of the applicable semester.Complete the HCC Foundation Scholarship Application Form online at College Advancement Scholarship page.

HCC Faculty/Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence: The HCC Faculty/Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence Committee offers an academic excellence scholarship program for qualified graduates of area high schools. The committee awards these scholarships based on GPA, SAT scores, and extracurricular activities. These awards provide $550 per semester at HCC.

Recipients who maintain satisfactory academic records at the College will be supported for four consecutive semesters of college for a total of $2200. Only current high school students who are graduating in May/June are eligible to apply. Students cannot receive financial aid at two schools during the same semester. Students must be actively enrolled in at least 12 credits on the college’s census date each semester to remain eligible for the scholarship. Exceptions will be made if the student’s program of study specifically involves registering for less than 12 credits during the semester. Students must maintain at least a 2.75 GPA to remain for the scholarship.View the application guidelines and download the Faculty/Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence Application

Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund (CCCPDF): HCC and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) are offering a unique funding opportunity for childcare providers to earn an associate degree (A.A.S. or A.A.T.) in Early Childhood Education, A.A.T. in Elementary Education, or an A.S. in Education. The CCCPDF provides funding for college tuition, fees and books for eligible child care providers working in the State of Maryland. Approved candidates must possess the motivation and skills that will assist them in successfully completing their degree while employed in childcare and will continue to work in family or center-based early education programs upon completion of their degree, for a service commitment equaling one month per credit or two years for the completion of an associate degree.

HCC will be accepting approved applicants from the Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund for the Fall semester. The deadline to apply to MSDE is March 1 of each year. The Grant Coordinator will begin meeting with potential CCCPDF students to complete applications to MSDE in January of each year for admittance to the program the following fall semester.


  • Be currently working in a licensed child care center, Head Start, or Private Preschool Program or be a registered family child care provider in the state of Maryland.
  • Have at least one year of qualifying experience working in childcare and be currently employed in the field.
  • Be eligible to apply for, or already a participant in, the Maryland Child Care Credential Program, at a level 2 or higher. Applications should be completed at least two months in advance to the CCCPDF deadline date of March 1.
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Continue working in child care during the time of study and for a period of time as determined by regulation upon the completion of the degree.
  • Maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average.
  • Successfully complete at least two college classes per award year (Fall, Spring, Summer Semester).

Career Program Achievers: Career Program Achievers (CPA) provides support services to Pell-eligible, independent students who are taking courses at HCC in an eligible career program. Please complete the FAFSA to help determine your eligibility. CPA can help with various expenses such as transportation and textbooks.

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS): This is a federal grant program that allows HCC to support Pell-eligible student parents through awarding weekly child care stipends. The following eligibility requirements must be met to apply:

  • Actively enrolled in at least 3 credits
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA
  • Have a child(ren) enrolled or have applied for enrollment at an HCC-approved, nationally-accredited child care provider.

Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education, Grant #203034256540.

Take2! Scholarship: HCC’s Take2! program is designed to help Washington County and neighbor-state residents in bordering Pennsylvania and West Virginia counties turn their college credits into a degree.

Eligibility requirements include already have earned a minimum of 24 college-level credits from a four-year or four-and two-year accredited college(s) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, commit to completing a degree within one year, and have an Expected Family Contribution of $15,000 or less based on the applicable FAFSA.

Take2! is a last dollar program. Students must use federal or state grants and scholarships first to cover tuition and fees. All paperwork requested by the HCC Student Financial Aid Office must be completed. Take 2! is funded by the Hagerstown Community College Foundation. To see additional criteria and to apply, visit HCC Take2!

Approved candidates must possess the motivation and skills that will assist them in successfully completing their degree while employed in childcare and will continue to work in family or center-based early education programs upon completion of their degree, for a service commitment equaling one month per credit or two years for the completion of an associate degree. To learn more, call 240-500-2615.