Mar 13, 2025
ADJ 206 - Criminal Procedure for Criminal JusticePrerequisite: ADJ 101 . (3 Credits) This course examines the constitutional protection and due process afforded to every person arrested in the United States. It provides students with a thorough understanding of the U.S. justice system from the time of arrest through the sentencing of the criminal offender. We will focus on the powers and limitations of the government in its quest to enforce substantive criminal law. Thus, we will seek to understand whether the actions of government officials during the investigation, adjudication, and corrections stages of a criminal case were permissible. Our primary concern will be how the U.S. supreme Court has interpreted the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. constitution and how these interpretations have evolved (and are continuously evolving) in terms of their application in the criminal justice system. Total of 45 contact hours.
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