Feb 11, 2025
ENG 203 - British Literature IPrerequisite: ENG 101 , ENG 101E , or ENG 101P . (3 Credits) In the days of dragons and warriors, a series of characters emerged who would rule the consciousness of the Western world for hundreds of years. In this class, we will explore some of the archetypal figures and stories made prominent by the influence of the British Empire. We will also unpack problems inherent within those archetypes as expressed through the literature and poetry of the time period. The class will begin with an examination of the legends, lore, and complex kingdoms that would help shape the British Isles, including Beowulf, Cu Cullain, King Arthur, Faustus, Shakespeare, and many others. We will also discuss the problems between the church and the Crown informing these issues. Writing, literary analysis, and discussion will surround the diverse customs of the time period.* Arts/Humanities Approved General Education Course. Total of 45 hours of lecture.
Semesters Offered: Fall Only, Even Years.
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