Mar 31, 2025
NUR 111 - Introduction to Practical NursingPrerequisite: BIO 203 , BIO 204 , and PSY 101 ; AND ENG 101 , ENG 101E , or ENG 101P . (4 Credits) This course provides the foundation for the practical nursing program. The role of the practical nurse in using the nursing process to meet human needs is explored. Basic assessment and intervention skills, dosage calculations, concepts of nutrition, and beginning documentation are stressed. A minimum exam grade average of 75% and a minimum overall course grade of 75% must be achieved to progress in the nursing program. A grade of 90% or above must be attained on a dosage calculations exam in this course. Classroom, skills lab, and clinical experiences. Total of 45 hours lecture, 27 hours of laboratory, 10 hours of simulation exercises, and 10 hours of clinical.
Semesters Offered: Summer Only, All Years.
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