Mar 31, 2025
CSC 102 - Introduction to Information Technology (3 Credits) This computer literacy course enables students to become successful computer users. This course offers real world computer knowledge that students must master in order to succeed in college and their careers. Students learn computer components and the roles computers play within an organization. They will explore operating systems, storage devices and learn tips for making wise computer purchases. Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Power Point, Excel, and Access) will be introduced. Basic application software, file management and basic Windows principles are explored. After completing this course, students will have the foundation for the IC3 certification. The philosophy behind IC3 certification is to define the concepts all students must know in order to be considered computer literate. The Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) program is a global, validated, standards-based training and certification program. Course fee required. Total of 45 hours of lecture.
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